
Best country for damage tanks in world of tanks blitz
Best country for damage tanks in world of tanks blitz

best country for damage tanks in world of tanks blitz

The standard shell velocity is also pretty slow with a mildly inaccurate gun making any shot beyond medium range a tricky endeavor. Properly peeking a ridge line is much harder in this tank than a normal tank without pneumatic suspension or even those with it like the STB-1. However, this a difficult tank to master and you will frequently find yourself exposing the unarmored lower plate. Properly used the gun depression mechanic and armor layout of this tank can be very effective especially combined with its high (for a medium) alpha. Summary: The UDES 15/16 is a solid tank and on par with the tier 8 UDES 14/5 in tier for tier competitiveness. I’m also a fan of the OBJ 140, TVP 50/51 and the UDES 15/16. In summary my top 3 favorite tier 10’s are the Leo 1, STB 1, and the Progetto 65. I have also noticed that Quickybaby is starting to rate quirky tanks with high skill caps like the K91 and CS 63 higher each year but those opinions will just lead the average player astray, so here is my summary broken town by a couple of factors. Streamer reviews by people like Quickybaby or Skill4ltu are great but they are simply not in the average player’s class and so have different preferences. As a completely average player who has managed to pick up all of the tech tree medium tanks I thought I would give anyone searching for a review my two cents.

Best country for damage tanks in world of tanks blitz